Resin 3D-Printing Settings for Kudo3D Bean

The Kudo3D Bean resin 3D printer is a low-power RGB LCD-based 3D printer, completely open for third-party resins. Settings are optimized for all Garreco Print resins. Due to the low-power light source, exposure times are generally longer for the Kudo3D Bean. Garreco Print resins are specially developed for printing on low-power LCD 3D printing, leading to significantly shorter exposure times, also on the Kudo3D Bean. Contact us if you have questions or need support.

Resin 3D-print settings for the Kudo3D Bean

General Printer Settings for the Kudo3D Bean

Resin Layer thickness Settings
Model 3D Ultra 100 µm 13 seconds
50 µm 11 seconds
25 µm 10 seconds